She was born at 4:21pm on the 22nd January weighing in at 2210gm (4lb 14oz), 49cms long and 32cms head circumference. She was born at 35wks, so because of that is still in the Special Care Nursery at the hospital.
So far she has dropped 260gms, so is currently 1950gm but she is doing really well. Out of the humidicrib and into the open air cot, off all medications and is breastfeeding like a pro! So now we just have to get some weight on her and we can get her home where she belongs.
It's been quite the big week. Not only have we been like yo-yo's going backwards and forwards to the hospital for feedings, but our big man Master L started school this week! So needless to say we are all feeling tired, emotional and yet excited all at the same time. Will be great when our Lil Miss gets home so that we can find our feet for our new kind of 'normal'!
Ok, here is a couple of photos....
Introducing Miss Amelia Louise
And my BIG boy... Master L
Amelia is delicious!! So tiny! And Congrats Master L for starting school! WooHoo!!
Mandi i just have to say again how gorgeous she is!
She must be sooo tiny 1/2 the size of what my 3 little boys were born(they were boofers lol)
Cassandra xx
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